Dr Richard White

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» Dr Richard White
Richard White, Vegan Society Research Advisory Committee Member
Course leader for BA (Hons) Human Geography, Sheffield Hallam University

Richard J. White is a Reader in Human Geography in the Department of Natural and Built Environment at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Greatly influenced by anarchist praxis, his main research agenda explores a range of ethical, economic and activist landscapes rooted in questions of social and spatial justice. Richard’s long-term contribution with critical animal studies, and more recently within critical animal geographies, has been to explore how anarchist praxis, and an intersectional politics of total liberation, can help (a) problematise human power and human species identity and; (b) confront, challenge and subvert the violent systems that underpin the treatment of both humans and other animals in society. Richard has recently co-edited three books: The Radicalization of Pedagogy (2016, Rowman & Littlefield); Theories of Resistance (2016, Rowman & Littlefield), The Practice of Freedom (2016, Rowman & Littlefield) and Anarchism and Animal Liberation (2015, McFarland Press). Elsewhere he has contributed chapters around vegan geographies in Animal Oppression and Capitalism (2017, Praeger); Critical Animal Geographies (2014, Routledge) and Defining Critical Animal Studies (2014, Peter Lang Publishing Group).

Current work

Richard is currently co-editing a book titled: 'Vegan Geographies; Ethics Beyond Violence'. The book will focus on the centrality and contested nature of place in the actions and discourse of vegans and animal liberation activists, and underscore that what geography can contribute to a deeper understanding of critical veganism and vegan praxis.

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