Jodie Calleja

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» Jodie Calleja
Jodie Calleja
Canterbury Christ Church University

I started a part-time MPhil/PhD in Sociology in September 2020 at Cantebury Christ Church University whilst working full-time at the same institution as a Learning Development Manager.

I transitioned to veganism in 2011 after 8 years as a vegetarian, realising my ethical beliefs and lifestyle were not aligned. Over the last 10 years, I have witnessed the growth of veganism, coinciding with an increase in consumer projects, as well as the Veganuary campaign. My research focusses on how the increased interest in veganism has altered the representations of ‘vegan’ dependent on motivation (i.e. ethical, environmental or health) and the impact this may have potentially had on the gender roles. I am early in the research process and my theoretical framework utilises Foucauldian analysis, Social Constructivism and Feminism.

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