Lyndsey Kramer

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» Lyndsey Kramer
Lyndsey Kramer, Vegan Society Researcher Network Member
University of York

I have extensive experience of qualitative methodologies and software to analyse findings. I have also taught quantitative methods to both undergraduate and postgraduates. I am finishing my PhD and I used a mixed methods approach for this.

My PhD applies a theoretical paradigm (Bourdieu’s theory of capital) to a social situation, and I am interested in extending this to understanding veganism as a social movement vis-à-vis social change. The kind of questions I am interested are: 1) Do people become vegans for different reasons and are these reasons dependent upon statuses such as age, class, gender? 2) Are people who make the choice to move to a plant base diet more likely to become vegan? 3) How and why are some people vegan but others are not? 

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