NHS urged to remove restriction on plant milk

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» NHS urged to remove restriction on plant milk

The NHS has been urged to be inclusive of vegans through its Healthy Start voucher scheme which currently includes vouchers that can only be used to purchase cow’s milk and free supplements containing animal-derived vitamin D.

The Vegan Society has written a formal letter to the NHS about its scheme that allows some pregnant people and parents of young children to claim free vouchers to spend on milk, fruit and vegetables.

We said the restriction imposed by the NHS on the purchase of plant milk and the lack of vegan-friendly vitamin D unfairly and unreasonably disadvantages vegans.

Dr Jeanette Rowley, our Vegan Rights Advocate, and solicitor Edie Bowles from Advocates for Animals said the Healthy Start Voucher Scheme is discriminatory without any lawful justification.

Heather Russell, Dietitian at The Vegan Society, added: “It is important for everyone to eat calcium-rich foods daily and fortified plant milk plays an important role in vegan nutrition.

“In fact, the UK’s Eatwell Guide recognises that fortified plant milk represents a valuable alternative to cow’s milk. Calcium content is comparable and the soya variety is similar to cow’s milk in terms of protein quantity and quality.”

Healthy Start Vegan Society Campaign banner

Vegans hold ethical convictions that affect every aspect of their lives from the food they consume to the clothes they buy, to the avoidance of certain forms of entertainment.

Veganism is therefore a protected philosophical belief under the Equality Act 2010, meaning public authorities such as the NHS must ensure that they give due regard to the needs of vegans.

As vegans do not consume dairy milk, the restriction imposed by the NHS on the purchase of milk unfairly and unreasonably disadvantages vegans.

We have sent a letter to the NHS prompting it to remove the restriction on the purchase of plant milk and provide a vegan alternative to the supplement containing animal-derived vitamin D.

The NHS has 14 days to respond to the letter.

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