Leigh-Anne Stradeski

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» Leigh-Anne Stradeski
Leigh-Anne Stradeski
Middlesex University

I completed my postgraduate diploma in Nutritional Therapy this year and am currently working on my dissertation for completion in September 2019 – (MSc Nutritional Therapy). Whilst completing my dissertation, I’m planning to set up a nutritional therapy practice which focuses on plant-based eating. My dissertation research topic will focus on gaining an understanding of the knowledge about vegan nutrition and dietary requirements that “new” vegans have, (i.e., those who have been vegan between six months and two years), how important nutrition is to them and where they are accessing their information. I have already done quite a lot of research on vegan dietary requirements and one of my assignments to achieve my qualification was a vegan dietary critique. I have also completed the T. Colin Campbell certificate in plant-based nutrition and, as a long-term vegan, have done a great deal of independent research.


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