Professor Claire Parkinson

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» Professor Claire Parkinson
Professor Claire Parkinson
Professor and Co-Director of the Centre for Human Animal Studies, Edgehill University

Claire Parkinson is Professor of Culture, Communication and Screen Studies, Associate Head of the Department of English and Creative Arts, and Co-Director of the Centre for Human Animal Studies (CfHAS) at Edge Hill University, Lancashire, UK. Her research interests include visual culture, human/animal studies, gender, activism, and cultural history. 

Claire’s publications include the books Popular Media and Animals (2011), Beyond Human: From Animality to Transhumanism (2012), and Animals, Anthropomorphism and Mediated Encounters (2020). She has led funded research projects on public perceptions of veganism, multispecies storytelling and landscape decision-making, and public understanding of dogs and risk. Claire has published widely on a diverse range of topics such as celebrity vegan activism, animal stardom, pet death, Brexit and human-animal entanglements, animal cruelty on television, and wildlife films.  

Edge Hill University biography

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