Vegan presence a message of success at NOPE 2013
The Trademark team attended the Natural and Organic Products Europe Show in Olympia on the 7th-8th April 2013 to promote Trademark holders and Veganism in a mainstream context. Working alongside Vegan Society Trademark holders, the business development team were able to convey a strong vegan presence amongst the 8,000 attendees at the show by handing out 1,000 goody bags filled with generous samples of trademarked products. This created quite a buzz and helped generate a huge level of interest among the attendees.
Plans in progress for Natural and Organic Show 2014
Business Development will again be attending the Natural and Organic Products Europe show in 2014 with an expansion on last year’s Vegan Pavilion. With this growth we expect to see more media coverage and increased brand awareness leading to more companies recognising the importance of the Vegan Trademark logo.
If you are a trademark holder and would like to be involved please email: trademark[at]vegansociety[dot]com