Vegan Geographies Book Launch

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» Vegan Geographies Book Launch

A new book on vegan geographies edited by RAC member Richard White has now been published. The book features chapters written by RAC member Alex Lockwood and RN member Catherine Oliver.

The book seeks to address the gap in the literature within the interdisciplinary academic field of geography, in particular, critical geographic theory. Veganism is about more than avoiding animal products – it's about challenging our patterns of consumption that ultimately leads to cultural change. This book addresses how spaces of suffering are contested and how we can begin to reimagine our relationship to non-human animals as defined by compassion rather than cruelty. Additionally, Vegan Geographies explores veganism across social and cultural groups, and within the context of broader socio-economic frameworks. Finally, this book provides practical and accessible pathways for those interested in challenging contemporary human-dominant systems.

“Different, much better worlds are possible, worlds that don’t involve the mass slaughter of non-human animals and the dismal working conditions of abattoirs and factory farms. We strongly believe that geography has something important to offer, if the discipline can grapple with the multiple ethical, political, and social challenges posed by veganism.” (page 18 of Vegan Geographies)

Vegan geographies infographic

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