Research News

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Two large sunflowers to the forefront with the sun setting over the horizon in the background.
Tuesday, 30 October, 2018

Research briefing: Protein wars and the changing Canadian consumer

According to a new survey on Canada’s “protein wars,” 6.4 million Canadians have already restricted or eliminated meat from...(Read More)

Monday, 22 October, 2018

Research briefing: Missing Pathways to 1.5°C

A new report was published this month by representatives of the Climate Land Ambition and Rights Alliance (CLARA) proposing that the...(Read More)

A close up of wheat
Thursday, 18 October, 2018

Research briefing: Are agricultural researchers working on the right crops?

A new study asks if agricultural researchers are working on the right crops to enable food and nutrition security in future climates....(Read More)

Wednesday, 17 October, 2018

Research briefing: Growing the Good (1)

A new Changing Markets Foundation report finds a lack of public policies in place to ensure the food sector is part of...(Read More)

Thursday, 11 October, 2018

Research briefing: Options for keeping the food system within environmental limits

A team of researchers led by Dr. Marco Springmann of the University of Oxford has investigated the planet’s potential to feed...(Read More)

Thursday, 20 September, 2018

An exploration of veganism and vegan promotion

Researcher Network member, Juan Abad Madroñero from the University of Warwick, updates us on his current research project....(Read More)

The word "Compassion" in large letter across the centre with text receding in the background.
Tuesday, 5 June, 2018

Research briefing: Circles of Compassion

Researchers have designed the Moral Expansiveness Scale (MES), which examines judgements about a large number of human and non-human animals,...(Read More)

In the centre, a tree nestled in a glass bowl with broken edges and foliage all around.
Tuesday, 5 June, 2018

Research briefing: Agriculture is destabilising the Earth system at the planetary scale

A report published in the journal Ecology and Society explores the role of agriculture in destabilising the Earth system at the...(Read More)

A close up of 3 cows
Saturday, 2 June, 2018

Research briefing: Avoiding meat and dairy products is the single biggest way to reduce environmental impact

 The most comprehensive analysis to date of the damage animal agriculture does to the planet.(Read More)

Tuesday, 8 May, 2018

Omega 3 fats and vegan health

Researcher Network member, Elena Holmes, discusses her research into omega 3 fats and vegan health for our Health & Wellbeing Portfolio....(Read More)

The word "Vegan" in block capitals on a circular plate with foliage on the lefthand side.
Sunday, 6 May, 2018

Research briefing: Good and bad plant foods

RAC member, Paul Appleby considers a recent study into the associations between plant-based diet indices and coronary heart disease (CHD) prevention....(Read More)

Tuesday, 1 May, 2018

The Attenuation of Violence towards Non-Human Animals in Walt Disney Animation Studios Films

Researcher Network member Rebecca Stanton discusses her current research into depictions of direct and indirect animal abuse throughout Walt Disney...(Read More)

A writing pad with a pen resting on top.  A mug of coffee to the top right, a computer mouse bottom right and a row of note arrows top left all against a dark background.
Tuesday, 27 February, 2018

Are meat alternatives just the same as meat?

Researcher Network member, Malte B. Rödl, updates us on a study for our Society & Culture Portfolio and asks if meat alternatives are...(Read More)

Aerial view of peope sitting in rows of seats in an arena.
Thursday, 30 November, 2017

Conference Report: European Association for Critical Animal Studies

RAC member, Dr Eva Giraud, reviews The European Association for Critical Animal Studies (EACAS) conference.(Read More)


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