The views expressed by our Research News contributors are not necessarily the views of The Vegan Society.
The Expert Series Winter 2020: White male privilege and veganism
In this Winter edition of The Expert Series, RAC member, Dr Alex Lockwood, considers the dominance of white...(Read More)
Research briefing: Happy but veg*n?
A newly published paper by Researcher Network member, Jana Krizanova, from the University of Granada, opens a new...(Read More)
Research & Policy Update 19/10/20
Recent research and policy publications round-up 19th October 2020(Read More)
Research & Policy Update 05/10/20
Recent research and policy publications round-up from 5th October 2020(Read More)
Research briefing: Developing the Future Normal
The Vegan Society’s ‘Future Normal’ campaign highlights the growing disquiet and discomfort that many of us feel about...(Read More)
The Expert Series Autumn 2020: Counting animals in war
In this early Autumn edition of Research News, RAC member Josh Milburn and colleague Sara Van Goozen consider...(Read More)
Research briefing: Changing What We Eat Could Offset Years of Climate-Warming Emissions
A new piece of research published this week suggests that drastically shifting agricultural production from animals to plant-sourced foods...(Read More)
Research News returns: A review of recent plant-based research
Research News is back! Thanks for supporting us during these uncertain times. We hope to resume regular articles and...(Read More)
Opinion: Special Feature (3 of 3): Vegan futures; or what worlds are we inheriting?
In Part 3 of a special opinion series, Catherine Oliver considers how veganism is a future-orientated belief and practice...(Read More)
Opinion: Mindful Activism
In this opinion piece feature, Researcher Network member, Sarah Gradidge, considers the concept of empathy and how we may...(Read More)
Research briefing: Communicable disease - is veganism the way forward?
In this balanced thought piece, Researcher Network member, Imogen Allen, considers if veganism is a way forward from...(Read More)
Opinion: Special Feature (2 of 3) Vegan presents
Last month, Researcher Network member, Catherine Oliver discussed her vegan-related research in the area of history, feminism and friendship in...(Read More)
The Expert Series April/May 2020: Human rights bias: the data economy and the further objectification of nonhuman animals
In the latest edition of the Expert Series, RAC member, Dr Jeanette Rowley, comments on the stated duty to...(Read More)
Opinion: Special Feature (1 of 3): Histories
In the first of a special three-part series of articles, Researcher Network member, Catherine Oliver discusses her vegan-related research...(Read More)
Opinion: Vegan diets and intelligence: beyond the clickbait
Researcher Network member, Imogen Allen and co-author, Samuel March, give their opinion on the research that was used...(Read More)